Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week 21

Current Weight - 152.5 woohoo, finally a slow week!

Someone asked me last week if being pregnant was what I had expected. I was shocked to find out I couldn't answer. I couldn't think of what I had expected. I expected to throw up, which never happened. I expected to balloon all over, not just my stomach, and quickly...hasn't happened yet. I expected to have strange urges to eat certain things, hasn't happened either. I also expected to have wild mood swings and be set off by toilet paper commercial which I have evaded for the most part. What I never expected was to break out like a 15 year old boy, or to have one boob grow twice as much as the other. I never expected the sudden fatigue or how easily I would get wiped out doing leg work outs. I didn't expect to feel normal at any point during the day or to feel like I wasn't actually pregnant for even a second. Nor did I expect my gigantic appetite, which I really don't mind :)

All in all, I think my lack of forethought prevented me from having many expectations. This has been as much of a learning opportunity for me as it has been a life lesson.

I'm noticing more dramatic changes lately. I hopped on the stationary bike at my gym, set it to the normal routine at the normal resistance and had to drop it down 2 points less than 10 minutes in because I was so winded. Have I mentioned that I could lunge circles around anyone less than 6 months ago? I hadn't ever needed to lower the resistance on the bike up til this point. I still smoked the people on either side of me in time though. I'll take my ego boosts where I can get them!

Other women with kids have started looking at me with warm smiles and offering their advice or reminiscing about when they were pregnant. Its actually been kind cool. Mostly I like imagining them being pregnant and wondering how much their body's morphed. Most of them don't look so good.... Is it rude to ask for before pictures?
I've been feeling my muscles stretch a lot lately. I wake up with some soreness usually. My appetite has increased a LOT. For example, I went for a walk after work today, came home and ate a spinach ricotta calzone and then a bowl of rasin bran. It's pretty unpredictable. Sometimes I can have a sandwich and be full for hours, other times I can have eggs, potatoes and toast and be hungry in an hour. No wonder I can gain 4lbs in one week and .5 in another. My hips get pretty sore after walking for a while, nothing unbearable though. Just enough to make me dread the culmination of pregnancy.
Things with Cesar have been great lately. Despite the negative things I hear from people who believe they know me best, I feel more confident with our relationship and our future together as a family. We've started thinking about names and have agreed on some. It is a lot harder than it seems.

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