Current Weight: 152...whoops
Didn't get a chance to update last week since I wanted to wait until after our ultrasound. In case you haven't heard IT'S A BOY!!! We got to see him wiggling around. He's pretty active in there.
Went to San Francisco this weekend. It was really nice to get out of my normal routine and take my mind off of the baby a little bit. I'm sure he slept the whole time since I was up and walking around practically the entire time. I did get my first artical of baby clothing on the trip: a onsie that read "Alcatraz Reject: Too Cute" har har. By the way, if you're ever pregnant in the San Francisco area, go to Ghiradelli.
Now I'm home and still exhausted. Haven't had a chance to rest yet. Driving back and forth to LA is exhausting.
I'm finally starting to look a little more pregnant, though I still look mostly like I've got a beer belly. My skin looks like it might be heading back towards normal. Can't say if its due to a change in products or readjusting of hormones. I read somewhere online that between this week and next my boy will grow FOUR INCHES. Considering he normally grows about 1 inch or so per week, this is a gigantic increase. May explain my appetite/increased weight gain (a girl can dream).
Right now a nap sounds amazing...and then some soup in a bread bowl *drool*. Maybe I'll come up with the perfect baby boy name :)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Week 18
Weight: 146 (-.5 from last week)
After feeling like I could never stop eating last week, I think this week I have finally been satiated. From time to time I worry that I haven't eaten enough but then I remember that I forget a lot of what I've eaten...pregnancy brain.
I attempted to make my own maternity clothes last week. I failed. Lesson learned: I am not a seamstress. That is a-ok with me; ebay and I have been doing fiiiine. I got a couple shirts for $15 TOTAL (including shipping) both brand name. So sewing isn't my gift, maybe bargain hunting is...the jury is still out. Thanks to my mom I have some lovely maternity clothes that I can wear to work or in real life. However I will say that most of the maternity clothes out there in the world are made for old women who, by the way, aren't the ones having babies. To my talented friends, please start designing cute maternity clothes immediately.
As some of you may have heard, via my obnoxious harassment, I am no officially a Mark by Avon representative. So if you are in the market for some skin care products, make up, clothes, jewelry or other adorable accessories head on over to: I've used a lot of their products on myself so I'm happy to make educated reccomendation. OK enough soliciting.
I still don't feel like I've popped. Still toting around a super cute beer belly. Good thing is, I've been able to sucessfully hide it from people I'm not ready to be judged by. Thats actually been the hardest thing of all. Feeling judgement by people who I used to be able to turn to for support. To all of you who judge me, or think I'm stupid: an abortion was never in the question for me. I think it is a cowardly way out. So take your negativity and suck it. If you know me at all, you know I'm capable of making it on my own and I always have.
St Patrick's day was yesterday. A day Cesar and I have never survived. That is until now. We finally did it! I know its been completely different this round but this was a small victory for us. We hung out a friend's house drinking green beer (for him) and green water (for me...I don't reccomend it). We're also going to a family party for his cousin this weekend which will be interesting. Sure wish I spoke Spanish. His dad still doesn't know about the pregnancy which makes things all that more uncomfortable. Cut to: me digging through my closet to find a circus tent.
Physically I don't feel much different but I keep catching other pople "sneaking" glances at my stomach. You know when a guy looks at your boobs and you can totally tell? The belly is no different. It is especially odd from people I haven't told, even weirder when I know they know but they've still said nothing to me. I know who you are and where you sleep! man up! If you know, you can say something to me. You're probably my friend.
Off to attempt a hem on some pants. <3
p.s. the spell check button has apologies.
After feeling like I could never stop eating last week, I think this week I have finally been satiated. From time to time I worry that I haven't eaten enough but then I remember that I forget a lot of what I've eaten...pregnancy brain.
I attempted to make my own maternity clothes last week. I failed. Lesson learned: I am not a seamstress. That is a-ok with me; ebay and I have been doing fiiiine. I got a couple shirts for $15 TOTAL (including shipping) both brand name. So sewing isn't my gift, maybe bargain hunting is...the jury is still out. Thanks to my mom I have some lovely maternity clothes that I can wear to work or in real life. However I will say that most of the maternity clothes out there in the world are made for old women who, by the way, aren't the ones having babies. To my talented friends, please start designing cute maternity clothes immediately.
As some of you may have heard, via my obnoxious harassment, I am no officially a Mark by Avon representative. So if you are in the market for some skin care products, make up, clothes, jewelry or other adorable accessories head on over to: I've used a lot of their products on myself so I'm happy to make educated reccomendation. OK enough soliciting.
I still don't feel like I've popped. Still toting around a super cute beer belly. Good thing is, I've been able to sucessfully hide it from people I'm not ready to be judged by. Thats actually been the hardest thing of all. Feeling judgement by people who I used to be able to turn to for support. To all of you who judge me, or think I'm stupid: an abortion was never in the question for me. I think it is a cowardly way out. So take your negativity and suck it. If you know me at all, you know I'm capable of making it on my own and I always have.
St Patrick's day was yesterday. A day Cesar and I have never survived. That is until now. We finally did it! I know its been completely different this round but this was a small victory for us. We hung out a friend's house drinking green beer (for him) and green water (for me...I don't reccomend it). We're also going to a family party for his cousin this weekend which will be interesting. Sure wish I spoke Spanish. His dad still doesn't know about the pregnancy which makes things all that more uncomfortable. Cut to: me digging through my closet to find a circus tent.
Physically I don't feel much different but I keep catching other pople "sneaking" glances at my stomach. You know when a guy looks at your boobs and you can totally tell? The belly is no different. It is especially odd from people I haven't told, even weirder when I know they know but they've still said nothing to me. I know who you are and where you sleep! man up! If you know, you can say something to me. You're probably my friend.
Off to attempt a hem on some pants. <3
p.s. the spell check button has apologies.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Week 17
Weight: 146.5 (+1.5 from last week)
I wake up each morning with anticipation like that of a child on Christmas morning. Waiting for my belly to "pop". Truly, the idea of a human (about the size of the palm of your hand right now) growing inside of me is still very surreal. The day I finally look pregnancy will be the day people at work stop giving me the "put down the milkshakes" look. I still honestly feel like maybe I'll escape the entire 9 months without my skin stretching to it's breaking point (did I use the apostrophe correctly, mom?).
So far, this week:
Physically I can't arch my back to stretch it without my abdomen feeling like it will snap. I eat like I'm not carrying a child but rather a fetal hippo, and I've gotten a bloody nose. That's the worst of it though, thank God. Wait...I lied. I tried doing lunges and nearly passed out. Considering 5 months ago I could lunge circles around any of yous, this is a huge deal. So, I resign myself to lots of walking, which I really don't mind. I'd like to get some prenatal DVDs soon. I've thought of looking for a class in town BUT from my past experience, yoga makes people fart, as does pregnancy...just seems like asking for trouble. I figure, I'll keep my gas confined to my apartment...and car.
Emotionally/mentally I am terrified of the idea of having a teenager. Have you met teenagers?They're gross.
Two weeks until we find out the sex. Cesar and I are pretty excited to see what we'll have. Any bets?
I wake up each morning with anticipation like that of a child on Christmas morning. Waiting for my belly to "pop". Truly, the idea of a human (about the size of the palm of your hand right now) growing inside of me is still very surreal. The day I finally look pregnancy will be the day people at work stop giving me the "put down the milkshakes" look. I still honestly feel like maybe I'll escape the entire 9 months without my skin stretching to it's breaking point (did I use the apostrophe correctly, mom?).
So far, this week:
Physically I can't arch my back to stretch it without my abdomen feeling like it will snap. I eat like I'm not carrying a child but rather a fetal hippo, and I've gotten a bloody nose. That's the worst of it though, thank God. Wait...I lied. I tried doing lunges and nearly passed out. Considering 5 months ago I could lunge circles around any of yous, this is a huge deal. So, I resign myself to lots of walking, which I really don't mind. I'd like to get some prenatal DVDs soon. I've thought of looking for a class in town BUT from my past experience, yoga makes people fart, as does pregnancy...just seems like asking for trouble. I figure, I'll keep my gas confined to my apartment...and car.
Emotionally/mentally I am terrified of the idea of having a teenager. Have you met teenagers?They're gross.
Two weeks until we find out the sex. Cesar and I are pretty excited to see what we'll have. Any bets?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Week 16
Current weight gain: 145 (+7 lbs) its a good thing, jealous??
As humbling as it is to share that number with the world, I decided that I should start tracking that. Maybe it will keep my ass from getting too fat. Here's hoping!
Physically, I feel pretty normal, like nothing is different. It's weird, almost like maybe the doctor, nurse, ultrasound techs, and Dopplers were all confused and there isn't really a little creature growing in my uterus. Sometimes I think it would be great if that were true, sometimes my curiosity can't wait to meet it. I'm also slightly convinced that my belly will stay smallish for the remaining 5 months. 4 months in and you can't really tell, so what's another 5 months of inconspicuous baby farming? It will save me a butt load on maternity "clothing" (still some of the most butt ugly stuff I've found). Anyone interested in partnering with me in a fashionable, flattering maternity line for the hip, young mom-to-be?
Emotionally, I'm a lot more down lately that I'm used to. If I said it before, I'll say it again, everything is different. I can't quit my wretched job because I need the "paycheck" and the health insurance (dear Mr. president...), I have to move, relationships are much more fluid than I thought they would be. I get scared to feel too sad, negative or stressed because someone, somewhere, that one time told me it effects baby. Like that isn't supposed to stress me out?! hullooooo??
On the up side, people I thought would be sure to focus on the negative have surprised me. I get more phone calls and text messages from some people than I would have expected and it makes all the difference in the world when I'm having a me-vs-the-world day. Then there are the people who are AMAZING at making me forget about this situation all together.
Most of my free time has been going towards eating, looking for a place to live, and walking. I spent an hour at Ross today doing 2 of those things. Bonus work out? Yes please. I was panged with my first feeling of guilt when I spent money on myself. I don't look forward to more of that. You know when you're watching moms who you can tell used to be kinda cute but now they resort to wearing their husband's old t-shirts and baggy tapered jeans? Can I survey them to ask how they got there so I can avoid it? You are all on the look out! Thankfully I have no husband to steal clothes from and Cesar and I are the same size...for now...skinny bastard.
I realized yesterday, I haven't had a drink in 4 months. It really isn't a long time and I didn't drink much beforehand...but think about it. When was the last time you had a drink? After a stressful day? In celebration? For fun with friends? With dinner? Next time you have a cold one, think of me and the little one and then have another one for me. Also know that every time I have a glass of water, I am not thinking of you, because I hate you and your wine glass. You can't tell, but I'm sticking my tongue out and making an amazingly bratty face at you too.
As humbling as it is to share that number with the world, I decided that I should start tracking that. Maybe it will keep my ass from getting too fat. Here's hoping!
Physically, I feel pretty normal, like nothing is different. It's weird, almost like maybe the doctor, nurse, ultrasound techs, and Dopplers were all confused and there isn't really a little creature growing in my uterus. Sometimes I think it would be great if that were true, sometimes my curiosity can't wait to meet it. I'm also slightly convinced that my belly will stay smallish for the remaining 5 months. 4 months in and you can't really tell, so what's another 5 months of inconspicuous baby farming? It will save me a butt load on maternity "clothing" (still some of the most butt ugly stuff I've found). Anyone interested in partnering with me in a fashionable, flattering maternity line for the hip, young mom-to-be?
Emotionally, I'm a lot more down lately that I'm used to. If I said it before, I'll say it again, everything is different. I can't quit my wretched job because I need the "paycheck" and the health insurance (dear Mr. president...), I have to move, relationships are much more fluid than I thought they would be. I get scared to feel too sad, negative or stressed because someone, somewhere, that one time told me it effects baby. Like that isn't supposed to stress me out?! hullooooo??
On the up side, people I thought would be sure to focus on the negative have surprised me. I get more phone calls and text messages from some people than I would have expected and it makes all the difference in the world when I'm having a me-vs-the-world day. Then there are the people who are AMAZING at making me forget about this situation all together.
Most of my free time has been going towards eating, looking for a place to live, and walking. I spent an hour at Ross today doing 2 of those things. Bonus work out? Yes please. I was panged with my first feeling of guilt when I spent money on myself. I don't look forward to more of that. You know when you're watching moms who you can tell used to be kinda cute but now they resort to wearing their husband's old t-shirts and baggy tapered jeans? Can I survey them to ask how they got there so I can avoid it? You are all on the look out! Thankfully I have no husband to steal clothes from and Cesar and I are the same size...for now...skinny bastard.
I realized yesterday, I haven't had a drink in 4 months. It really isn't a long time and I didn't drink much beforehand...but think about it. When was the last time you had a drink? After a stressful day? In celebration? For fun with friends? With dinner? Next time you have a cold one, think of me and the little one and then have another one for me. Also know that every time I have a glass of water, I am not thinking of you, because I hate you and your wine glass. You can't tell, but I'm sticking my tongue out and making an amazingly bratty face at you too.
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